Fingerprinting for Law Firms in Downtown Los Angeles

Los Angeles Fingerprinting for Law Firms

Fingerprinting for Business Firms
in Downtown Los Angeles

We specialize in live scan fingerprinting for law firms in Downtown Los Angeles.

Our experts can come to your place of business. Fast and friendly service is how we work.

Special discounts for groups:

Law Firms

Accounting Firms

Financial Firms

All Firms

Live scan fingerprints

Attorney Fingerprinting in Los Angeles

Live scan fingerprinting for law firms. On May 23, 2018, the Supreme Court issued a new California Rule of Court effective June 1, 2018, which will require most active California attorneys to be re-fingerprinted. Attorneys should not undergo re-fingerprinting until this information is released on June 1. The deadline to submit new fingerprints without penalty will be April 30, 2019.

Our group clients include the best lawyers in los angeles, but we also serve accounting firms, finance firms, asset management firms, education law firms, environmental law firms, divorce attorneys, child custody attorneys and many more.

Live scan fingerprints

Mobile service so we can come to you

Schedule your appointment today and get it done now so you can avoid penalties by the State Bar of California.

When we take your fingerprints electronically we submit them instantly to the FBI for processing. Our state of the art technology is the latest equipment in livescan electronic fingerprinting. Our friendly staff are experts and can get your fingerprints done quickly so you don’t waste your valuable time.

We are certified by the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Our Best Work

Firms Worked With

MR Fingerprints works with firms from all industries. With over 14 years of experience, we are the best and fastest in Live Scan Fingerprinting service in Los Angeles

Law Firms
Financial Firms
Other Firms
Client Satisfaction
Customers Retained

Los Angeles

(213) 213-761-5883

Rancho Cucamonga

(909) 893-5579

The Downtown L.A. Office
617 S Olive St
Suite 807
Los Angeles, CA 90014

Rancho Cucamonga Office
11175 Azusa Court
Suite 110, Office 101
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

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The Downtown L.A. Office

Rancho Cucamonga Office

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